Enjoyed these explanations very much, especially about the dales — had precisely been wondering about them while listening. And am very much enjoying all of these episodes!

This last one probably has a little bit of a cultural divide to it — that is, the bit at the end probably sounds more unkind to me, not knowing the geography, than it actually is. I don't believe these characters are ever actually unkind to each other!

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I'm glad they're useful and you're enjoying the series. I see what you mean about the unkindness but rest assured Gina would probably be bored but not in any danger. She could walk home in less than a couple of hours if she wasn't wearing cycling shoes. If you want to sample the kind of geography, you could look up Appletreewick on Google maps as an example and then wander down the nearby lanes using street view.

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😊. I've grown fond of the characters, especially Lee-Ann!

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